Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Keeping the dream alive

It has been quite a while since our last update, but that is a problem we hope to remedy! As UnderHaus continues the development of Data Helix, we've made it a goal to bring you updates on the status of the project each week.

Of course if some big things happen we'll be posting about it here and on our Facebook and Twitter (which you should totally follow), but rest assured that without fail, once a week, an update on the production of the game will go up on this site.

That being said, the development of Data Helix has slowed down considerably since our last update. Most of the team is busy job hunting, which is pretty necessary if we want to be able to live long enough to finish this game (which we do want to do, trust us).

But have no fear! Even while busy with other things, the team is still making progress.  We have put together a design document and are in the process of slowly filling it out. This will ensure a fleshed out and cohesive vision of what we want the game to be and one that is available to any team member who needs clarification.

So, from now on we'll be making regular weekly posts right here on the dev blog and so you don't miss out on any of the mid-week updates that will come with big announcements, make sure to subscribe!


The Underhaus Dev Team

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